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Your search returned 443 results.
  • Tyler Rhoads โ€™23 Pivots from Ballet to Law

    Tyler Rhoads โ€™23 Pivots from Ballet to Law By Owen Lubozynski September 22, 2020 When Tyler Rhoads began his 1L year at Cornell Law School this fall, he was also embarking on a second career. The first: ballet. Rhoads…

  • Scott Rechtschaffen

    Scott Rechtschaffen Adjunct Professor of Law, Cornell Tech Contact sdr32@cornell.edu Address Cornell Tech 2 West Loop Rd. New York, NY 10044 Biography As Littler’s Chief Knowledge Officer, Scott D. Rechtschaffen leads the firm’s effort to provide…

  • Mark Lutes

    Mark Lutes Adjunct Professor of Law, Cornell Tech Contact ml2629@cornell.edu Address Cornell Tech 2 West Loop Rd. New York, NY 10044 Biography Mark Lutes is the Chair of Epstein Becker & Green, P.C.’s Board of Directors…

  • Cornell Law Students and Professors Assist Afghans at Risk

    Cornell Law Students and Professors Assist Afghans at Risk By Alexandra Eguiluz October 19, 2021 The National Lawyers Guild and the International Refugee Assistance Project chapters at Cornell Law School, along with two professors and over three dozen law…

  • Saule Omarova

    Saule Omarova Beth and Marc Goldberg Professor of Law Expertise: Corporate Law and Financial Regulation Clinics and Programs: Clarke Program on the Law and Regulation of Financial Institutions and Markets Assistant Lyndsey Clark Cornell Law School lyc8@cornell.edu Address Cornell…

  • Dan Awrey

    Dan Awrey Professor of Law Expertise: Corporate Law and Financial Regulation Clinics and Programs: Clarke Program on the Law and Regulation of Financial Institutions and Markets Contact aja288@cornell.edu (607) 255-8431 Assistant Abby Hubbell Cornell Law School adh98@cornell.edu Address Cornell…

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