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Your search returned 443 results.
  • Students Study Law and Social Change in South Africa

    Students Study Law and Social Change in South Africa By Cornell Law School Staff March 27, 2018 This past winter break, sixteen students enrolled in Professor Muna Ndulo’s “Law and Social Change: Comparative Law in Africa” travelled to Johannesburg,…

  • Stephane Levy

    Stephane Levy Adjunct Professor of Law, Cornell Tech Contact sl739@cornell.edu Address Cornell Tech 2 West Loop Rd. New York, NY 10044 Biography Stephane Levy is a partner in the Cooley Business department and a member of…

  • David Weiss

    David Weiss Adjunct Professor of Law, Cornell Tech Contact dew265@cornell.edu Address Cornell Tech 2 West Loop Rd. New York, NY 10044 Biography David Weiss is a Member of Epstein Becker & Green, P.C. in the Corporate…

  • Courtney Dalton

    Courtney Dalton Data Librarian/Specialist and Adjunct Professor of Law Contact cmd347@cornell.edu (607) 254-7063 Address Cornell Law School 340D Myron Taylor Hall Ithaca, NY 14853-4901 DOWNLOAD CV Biography Courtney Dalton, who joined Cornell in 2022, is responsible…

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