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Your search returned 386 results.
  • Statement from Dean Peñalver on Police Violence

    Statement from Dean Peñalver on Police Violence By Dean Eduardo M. Peñalver ’94 May 31, 2020 Dear Members of the Cornell Law School Community – The last few weeks have offered us many examples of the lethal violence that…

  • Kim Nayyer to Lead Cornell Law Library

    Kim Nayyer to Lead Cornell Law Library By Coren February 15, 2019 Kim Nayyer in the Law Library. In May 2018, Kim Nayyer visited the Law School to study how the library integrates with the school and engages with…

  • Discussing a Decade of Post-9-11 U.S. Immigration Policy

    Discussing a Decade of Post-9-11 U.S. Immigration Policy By Cornell Law School Staff May 23, 2012 On September 22, Muzaffar Chishti, Director of the Migration Policy Institute (MPI) at New York University Law School, presented “9/11’s Impact on U.S.

  • Maria Fernandez-Williams ‘92: From the Bronx to IBM

    Maria Fernandez-Williams ‘92: From the Bronx to IBM By Judith Pratt May 28, 2013 Maria Fernandez-Williams ’92 believes that affirmative action still has a role to play in American society. “When we can affirmatively say that race is not…

  • Fall 2020 Cornell Law Clinic – Directors Message

    Fall 2020 Cornell Law Clinic – Directors Message By Beth Lyon November 17, 2020 We are resuming our newsletter after a spring and summer of intense collaboration – working together on emergency policy advocacy as the pandemic set in,…

  • Leonard Leo, AB ’87, JD ’89, Discusses Judicial Selection

    Leonard Leo, AB ’87, JD ’89, Discusses Judicial Selection By Cornell Law School Staff November 29, 2017 What judicial philosophy drives the selection of federal judges? Cornell students and faculty recently heard insights from someone intimately familiar with the…

  • Laura Underkuffler

    Laura Underkuffler J. DuPratt White Professor of Law Expertise: Property Law Contact lu27@cornell.edu (607) 255-1245 Assistant Amanda Gallagher Cornell Law School asg274@cornell.edu Address Cornell Law School 322 Myron Taylor Hall Ithaca, NY 14853-4901 DOWNLOAD CV DOWNLOAD PHOTO…

  • Clinic Director’s Note for Fall ’21

    Clinic Director’s Note for Fall ’21 By Beth Lyon November 19, 2021 Beth Lyon, Clinical Professor of Law, Associate Dean for Experiential Education, Clinical Program Director, and Director of the Farmworker Legal Assistance Clinic New beginnings are this newsletter’s…

  • Robert C. Hockett

    Robert C. Hockett Edward Cornell Professor of Law Expertise: Corporate Law and Financial Regulation, International and Comparative Law Clinics and Programs: Clarke Program on the Law and Regulation of Financial Institutions and Markets Contact rch37@cornell.edu (607) 255-4539 Assistant Lyndsey…

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