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Your search returned 386 results.
  • Prison Education Practicum

    Course Components Learning Outcomes About the Cornell Prison Education Program (CPEP) Applying to the Practicum Practicum Faculty Community Teaching Classroom Component Fall Debate Class September 1 April 1. Prison Education…

  • Migration & Human Rights Program

    About the Program Immigration Laws and Regulations Understanding Immigration Laws and Regulations Immigration Training Resources for Attorney Volunteers Immigration Law Representation for Cornell Students Finding Legal Help Resources for Finding Legal Representation Resources…

  • Migration & Human Rights Program

    About the Program Immigration Laws and Regulations Understanding Immigration Laws and Regulations Immigration Training Resources for Attorney Volunteers Immigration Law Representation for Cornell Students Finding Legal Help Resources for Finding Legal Representation Resources…

  • Health, Wellness, and Safety

    Health Care Wellness Campus Safety Cornell Resources Community Resources Health, Wellness, and Safety Explore this section Health Care Wellness Safety Health Care For a small city, Ithaca has comprehensive and high-quality healthcare. Service organizations and…

  • Jeffrey J. Rachlinski

    Jeffrey J. Rachlinski Henry Allen Mark Professor of Law Expertise: Empirical Legal Studies, Psychology and Law, Torts and Product Liability, Environmental and Health Law, Administrative Law Contact jjr7@cornell.edu (607) 255-5878 Assistant Sarah Palmer Cornell Law School scp88@cornell.edu Address Cornell…

  • M.S.L.S. Admissions (Online Program)

    Admissions Information Contact our Admissions Counselors Flexible 100% Online Program that caters to the schedule of working professionals. 30 Credit Curriculum Legal Topics specifically designed for Business Professionals Optional Networking Days Curriculum designed and taught by…

  • Jaclyn Kelley-Widmer

    Related News Jaclyn Kelley-Widmer Clinical Professor of Law (Lawyering) Expertise: Human Rights, Immigration Clinics and Programs: 1L Immigration Law and Advocacy Clinic, Lawyering Contact jak533@cornell.edu (607) 255-9898 Assistant Gina Jackson Cornell Law School gj13@cornell.edu Address Cornell Law School…

  • 1L Immigration Law and Advocacy Clinic

    About the Clinic Clinic Resources, Projects, and Cases Related News Participating in the Clinic September 2023 Trip to Louisiana Student Feedback Contact Past Advocacy Projects Past Trips Louisiana: 2023 Dilley,…

  • Domestic Violence and the Workplace Model Policy and Toolkit

    Model Policy Domestic Violence Intimate Partner Perpetrator Domestic Violence and the Workplace Model Policy and Toolkit Editable versions of the toolkit: Model policy (.doc) Tool kit (.ppt) In November 2014, Tompkins County adopted a resolution recognizing…

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